Have More Energy 2018-05-28T10:04:45+00:00

Have More Energy

You wish you had more energy. You know that if you were better rested and less stressed you would be a better spouse and parent, and you would have more energy to exercise and eat right. You know that stress and lack of sleep are hazardous to your health but you feel like you are powerless to change that…it’s just a way of life for firefighters.

These are real concerns and as a firefighter’s wife, I understand the lifestyle of firefighters. While it can feel like there’s nothing you can do to make things better, I want you to see that you have more control over your energy level than you think.

Lack of sleep is a major detriment to firefighters’ health and wellness. Rather than accept that you’re always going to be tired, I challenge you to work at getting more rest. Here’s three simple strategies to try out.

Do You Want More Rest? Practice this 1 Thing

 My Top Two Most Effective Techniques For Getting More Sleep


Firefighters’ stress level is also worrisome since stress is very damaging to the body; it can even contribute to firefighter heart attacks. Read this simple explanation about how stress can make you fat (another reason it’s worth it to try and reduce your stress) plus a simple strategy for feeling more calm.

Why Running From a Bear is A Bad Thing

A Simple Trick to Stop Stress From Making You Fat


Firefighters’ stress level and sleep quality is also affected by nutritional and exercise habits. Try implementing this tip so you can stop the constant struggle with making healthy choices.

Why Willpower Doesn’t Work…and What Does


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