About Karlie Moore

Dr. Karlie Moore has a PhD in Exercise Science and Nutrition and specializes in firefighter health. She has conducted fitness testing on hundreds of firefighters and has created the most comprehensive online wellness program for fire departments called the FitCulture program. Dr. Moore is also married to a firefighter and so understands their lifestyle and the health challenges associated with it.

Avoid this machine at the gym like the plague

Over the past few months I’ve been talking about back injuries in firefighters. First I cleared up a few myths about back injuries (see myths). Now I’m going over exercises that firefighters should AVOID. (See those I’ve discussed so far: sit-ups, back extension machine and prone hyperextension.) Over these past [...]

By | 2018-06-01T07:14:44+00:00 May 14th, 2014|Uncategorized|6 Comments

Doing this exercise could actually be increasing your risk for back injury

Over the past few months I've been talking about back injuries in firefighters. First I cleared up a few myths about back injuries (see myths). Now I'm outlining the exercises that firefighters should AVOID. Over the past few weeks I’ve explained that some exercises we do in our workouts, while [...]

By | 2018-06-01T07:15:51+00:00 May 7th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Doing this exercise could actually be increasing your risk for back injury