Weight loss mistakes: Why you shouldn’t give up your favorite foods

Last week I started a series where I’m explaining the 3 biggest mistakes that prevent you from losing weight. If you didn’t read the first mistake, catch up here.

The second biggest mistake is absolutely forbidding certain foods. Although it seems counter-intuitive, if you have a no tolerance policy toward any unhealthy foods – and I am talking about things you really like – you may be doing yourself more harm than good.donuts

Research shows that when people give in and eat a food that they were trying to avoid, they feel bad and that starts a spiral that is more likely to end in the person giving up altogether. So you want to give yourself a little leeway; don’t set yourself up for failure.

If you do have that ice cream that someone brought to the fire station, focus on just having a smaller portion than usual, make sure you savor it (don’t do something that takes your mind off what you’re eating), and don’t feel bad about it.

One caveat – this really only applies to unhealthy foods that you love. One problem that I see with firefighters at the station, and people who work in an office, is eating a treat simply because it’s there. People bring in so many treats to my local fire stations I want to put a sign that says “don’t feed the firefighters.” Office workers are always faced with donuts, candy jars and birthday cake.

Before picking up the treat you need to ask yourself if it’s really worth it. A donut like the ones shown in the picture has about 200 calories. Your half hour workout might only burn 200 calories. If you could take it or leave it – leave it!

This is a tough balance because you only want to eat something if you’re really jonesing for it, but if you do – don’t send yourself down the shame spiral. Pat yourself on the back for all the healthy eating you’ve been doing and don’t see this as a setback.

Keep on workin toward your healthy weight/healthy lifestyle goal no matter how much you think you “screwed up.”

Ultimately, being a healthy person means eating lots of healthy foods – whole grains, fruits and vegetables – and being fairly active. You DO NOT have to run marathons and only eat tofu to live a long, happy healthy life and enjoy that hard earned retirement.

Next week I’ll be sharing third biggest mistake that prevents you from losing weight.

What are the few unhealthy foods that you’re going to allow yourself to enjoy now and then? Share with us in the comments below. Mine are sugary coffee drinks and potato chips.

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By | 2018-06-01T06:28:28+00:00 December 10th, 2014|Uncategorized|2 Comments

About the Author:

Dr. Karlie Moore has a PhD in Exercise Science and Nutrition and specializes in firefighter health. She has conducted fitness testing on hundreds of firefighters and has created the most comprehensive online wellness program for fire departments called the FitCulture program. Dr. Moore is also married to a firefighter and so understands their lifestyle and the health challenges associated with it.


  1. Mike December 10, 2014 at 3:44 pm

    Thanks Karlie — I really appreciate the health tips. Quick, to the point, helpful. I read them all.

    • Karlie December 14, 2014 at 2:00 am

      You’re welcome Mike!

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